赖俊竹 / 梦想家

生于台北的赖俊竹是一位梦想家,擅长在各种条件中寻找 “纪律” 与 “开放” 能量脉冲间的动态平衡。喜爱各类运动与茶事活动,也是业余当代舞蹈演员,演员,诗作和剧作家。 赖俊竹的职业生涯受到创业、工程规划、电影、艺术、设计和品牌的高度影响。在东南亚、北京发展独立电影制片项目后,赖俊竹将电影制片、编剧与导演的专业知识转换为品牌咨询、指导品牌设计所需的核心技能,2006年起先后于中国和国际品牌咨询/设计公司担任要职。赖俊竹是具备优异分析与沟通力的整合者、问题解决者,也是具备团队导向管理技能和创造性思维的领导者。 赖俊竹目前是凯度战略咨询大中华区的合伙人,负责协同全球战略与品牌咨询团队,为跨国企业发展适合中国市场的品牌/营销战略方案,近年更专注助力中国企业在大中华区或国际市场实现业务增长等战略目标。

Born in Taipei, Tab is a dreamer who looks for the balance of a dynamic energy of two of the pulses in different circumstances between being really disciplined and being really open-minded. The art’s side is balanced as a tea master, contemporary dancer, actor, poet composer & scriptwriter. Tab's career is highly influenced by entrepreneurship, engineering, film making, brand consulting, design and the arts. After a journey of independent film making in South East Asia and Beijing, he converted the know how of film production, script writing and directing into branding and joined a brand design company as partner in 2006. Later started his agency career in Brand Union in 2012, appreciated as an integrator and problem solver with strong analytical and communication skills. Also a leader with team-oriented management skill and a creative mind. Tab is now active as Partner of Kantar Vermeer Greater China, working closely with management and brand consultants across the network to conduct brand & marketing strategy for multi-national companies entering China. On the other hand, helping Chinese companies to realize business objectives to include the organization transformation and business growth in China and oversea markets through brand.

史佳鑫 / 创造瞬间永恒的摄影师