喻川 / 身处西南心怀硅谷的创客

“我是喻川,大学毕业后一直工作和生活在贵阳。从一位不太安分的建筑师不知不觉就变身成为了一名智能硬件创客并负责产品的设计和研发。我想也许是我天生喜欢造物,我认为造物是天赋人权,让我们看看孩子们,是多么喜欢动手。而我们成年后,忙工作,忙社交,似乎失去了这个天性。但是,现在新兴的造物技术3d打印,又让我们可以重拾造物的乐趣。 我组建的Flexbot团队开发了全世界第一款3D打印开源的航拍个人飞行器。我曾多次前往美国硅谷,也见到了仰慕已久的《失控》的作者凯文•凯利(KK)和《连线》主编安德森,感谢他们的大力推荐让Flexbot团队入选了 2014年度SXSW最具创新性团队。”

I am Yu Chuan, I have been working and living in Guiyang since graduating from college. From an undisciplined architect, he unwittingly became an intelligent hardware maker and responsible for product design and development. Maybe I think I was born to be a creature of nature, and I think that creation is a natural human right and let’s look at the how children like to do it. When we are adults, we seem to lose our ability to work and socialize. Now the new creative technology is 3D printing, which allows us to restore the joy of creation.The Flexbot team I assembled developed the world’s first 3D printing open source aerial vehicle. I’ve traveled to Silicon Valley, United States, many times, and I’ve metKevin Kelly, the author of “Out of Control” and Chris Anderson, former editor-in-chief of WIRED magazine; I thank them for theirstrong recommendation of Flexbot team to be selected as 2014 SXSW most innovative team.

阅读量 3928
余育娇 / 澳洲打工游学文创人
Crystal Cheng / 夙寐夜兴的跨界设计师