Renewable Energy Workshop | 2016 | Domaine de Boisbuchet

I would like to invite you to participate at the internationally renowned workshop center at Domaine de Boisbuchet, where I lead the workshop "Designing Energy" together with the environmental and hydro mechanical engineers Christoph Rapp and Andreas Zeiselmair.

Energy supply is a prerequisite of development and welfare and nowadays subject to profound changes. Scarcity of resources, environmental protection, social challenges and a changing climate require a transition to renewable energies and decentralized power plants. Respectively, power units get closer to our direct surroundings where they affect our visual perception. A whole generation of engineers, architects and designers has now the chance and duty to create sustainable and convincing solutions.

The goal of this workshop is to identify water, wind and solar energy potentials and to develop smart ideas to tap available resources. Participants will design appealing technical solutions as these alone will prevail. Let’s build a renewable energies plant!

Registration and more information at:

Renewable Energy Workshop | 2016 | Domaine de Boisbuchet

Join this design and engineering workshop on renewable energy with Markus Heinsdorff , Christoph Rapp and Andreas Zeiselmair in France.

阅读量 4560
邓静 / 生活美学倡导和实践者
易介中 / 政产学研商一体化策划人